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NOAA's CoastalApp

The NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) Coastal Application "CoastalApp" is a NUOPC-based coupled system using the NEMS coupler.

The SCHISM NUOPC cap is currently being integrated as an ocean component of the CoastalApp; CoastalApp is available from a public repository, and its integration with SCHISM occurs in the develop-updates branch

Obtaining and building CoastalApp

export COASTALAPP_DIR=/my/path/to/coastalapp
git clone -b develop $COASTALAPP_DIR 
git submodule update --init --recursive SCHISM/schism SCHISM/schism-esmf NEMS 
bash ./ -component "SCHISM"

You can add components like WW3 or ADCIRC, and you may be required to choose a -compiler or -platform, or set environment variables like PARMETIS or ESMFMKFILE. Consult ./ -h for help and further information.

A typical coupled system that we currently use for testing would, e.g., include the three components OCN-ATM-WAV:

git submodule update --init --recursive SCHISM/schism SCHISM/schism-esmf NEMS WW3 ATMESH
bash ./ -component "SCHISM WW3 ATMESH" --thirdparty parmetis

Reporting bugs or requesting features

The integration of SCHISM into CoastalApp is still in development. Please report any errors or annoyances in the upstream bug tracker on