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Test suite


SCHISM provides benchmark tests for verifying your installation or new code development.

Due to the large file size of these tests, they are distributed via svn. You’ll need svn v1.8 or above (svn manual). Svn clients on linux/unix/windows/Mac should all work.

The command to checkout the tests is:

svn co

Note that the test suite is kept up to date with the latest master branch on the SCHISM's git repo. As a result, there may be some differences (some parameters may have been removed or added) between the param.nml you are using and the one from the verification tests (master branch). In this case, you may need to modify the param.nml you downloaded from the "schism_verification_tests" to make it work with your SCHISM version. A sample param.nml is always provided under your SCHISM source code directory:


The latest master version for this input can also be viewed on the Github page. Useful user info can be found in the source code bundle src/Readme.beta_notes (including change of format for input files and bug fixes).

SCHISM Modules required in the test suite

Depending on which verification test you are conducting, you may need to enable certain modules when compiling SCHISM.

Here is a reference:

Test Module needed
Test_Btrack_Cone None
Test_Btrack_Gausshill None
Test_Btrack_Gausshill_CPU None
Test_CORIE None
Test_CORIE_LSC2 None
Test_COSINE_SFBay None
Test_Chezy None
Test_Convergence_Grid1 None
Test_Convergence_Grid2 None
Test_Convergence_Grid3 None
Test_Convergence_Grid4 None
Test_Convergence_Grid5 None
Test_ECO_Toy ECO
Test_Flat_Adjust None
Test_GEN_MassConsv GEN
Test_GEN_MassConsv2 GEN
Test_Geostrophic None
Test_HeatConsv_TVD None
Test_HeatConsv_Upwind None
Test_HeatPool None
Test_HydraulicStruct None
Test_ICM_ChesBay ICM
Test_Inun_CircularIsland_CaseB None
Test_Inun_CircularIsland_CaseB_3D None
Test_Inun_CircularIsland_CaseB_CPU None
Test_Inun_NWaves_2D None
Test_Inun_NWaves_3D None
Test_MassSource None
Test_Nonhydro_Flat_Adjust Nonhydro (not active)
Test_Nonhydro_StandingWaves Nonhydro (not active)
Test_ParaBowl None
Test_QuarterAnnulus None
Test_QuarterAnnulus_hvis None
Test_SED_Trench_Migration SED
Test_SED_meander_2 SED
Test_Sed2d_Trench_Migration SED
Test_TIMOR_rouse None
Test_VolConsv_2D_1 None
Test_VolConsv_2D_2 None
Test_VolConsv_3D_1 None
Test_VolConsv_3D_2 None
Test_WWM_Analytical WWM
Test_WWM_Duck WWM
Test_WWM_L31_2A WWM
Test_WWM_VF_adiabatic_case WWM
Test_WWM_limon_NODIF WWM
Test_Williamson5 None